Smoke was once a ninja not unlike that of Sub-Zero. Smoke and the young Sub-Zero were close friends and members of the Lin Kuei clan. Smoke and Sub-Zero were sent to Outworld to assassinate Shang Tsung. Their assassination attempt failed and when they returned to the Lin Kuei they discovered that their clan was converting their best warriors into cyborgs.Their clanmates Sektor and Cyrax had already been converted. Smoke and Sub-Zero attempt to escape but Smoke was captured and converted to cyborg LK- 7T2.
Smoke was then programmed to hunt Sub-Zero and either kill him or capture him and bring him back to be converted to cyborg. Smoke has followed Sub-Zero to Mortal Kombat tournaments but was unable to capture or kill him. Sub-Zero convinces Smoke that he still has a soul and he and Sub-Zero destroy Sektor and Cyrax but in the process Smoke is also damaged. Smokes shell is taken to Shao Kahn's torture chamber where he was left until Noob Saibot discovers him and reactivates him. In different endings of games Smoke turns on Noob and in other endings he helps Noob.
Mortal Kombat (2011)[]
The retelling of the original trilogy through the visions that MK1 Raiden receives features human Smoke. His appearance differs as he doesn't wear the complete ninja garment revealing his smoke-like grey hair. In this version of the timeline, Raiden uses his visions to rescue Smoke from the Lin Kuei that attempt to capture him for cyborg conversion, allowing him to retain his humanity.